Monday, July 2, 2012


We were fortunate to be visited by shark expert

Randy Honebrink

Randy Honebrink is the head of education programs for the Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources. As coordinator and spokesman for the state's Shark Task Force, he has been involved in shark issues for the last 10 years. He is also an adjunct professor of marine biology for Chaminade University in Honolulu.

Mr. Conroy, Randy, & Mr. Jenkins

Student holds a sample of a surfboard bitten by a  shark

Tiger Shark 
The tiger shark's teeth and jaws is what differentiates this species from other gray sharks and generally from most other shark species. While the teeth of other sharks which hunt swimming prey as a rule are designed to cut in the upper jaw region and to grab and hold onto possible prey in the lower jaw, tiger sharks have rows of almost 24 identical teeth both in the upper and lower jaws.